Free Shipping Worldwide
We are proud to offer free shipping on all of our products. Our warehouses are located across the globe, and we ship accordingly based on your geographic location.
Shipping Time
Shipping times typically take 8 to 10 business days. Please note that this does not include the 2 business day processing time required for order handling.
Processing and Handling
- Order Processing: Once you place an order, our team will quality check your items and process your order.
- Handling: We ensure that all items are carefully handled and prepared for shipment.
- Tracking Your Order: You will receive a tracking number once your order has been shipped, allowing you to monitor your shipment’s progress.
Order Cancellation
- Cancellation Period: You may cancel your order within 2 hours of placing it.
- Post-Processing Cancellation: Unfortunately, we are unable to cancel orders once they have been processed and shipped.
- Cancellation Requests: To cancel your order, please email your order details with the subject “Cancellation” to